Dekut - LY3023414|LY-3023414;LY 3023414|CAS 1386874-06-1 Buy LY3023414 from supplier LY3023414 is an oral ATP competitive inhibitor of the class I PI3K isoforms, mTOR and DNA-PK, extracted from patent WO/2012097039A1, compound example 1, has an IC50 of 64.9 nM, 42.1 nM, 10.6 nM, 19.1 nM for Akt1(pT308), Akt1 (pS473), P70S6(pT389), S6RP(pS240/242). ...Quality confirmed by NMR,HPLC & MS. Sat, 15 Jul 2017 12:52:52 UTC en